Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1st Weigh In & thoughts...

OK--- One more thought before my first weigh in report...

Here's my thought for what the focus should be for weight loss:

You have to be totally ready for a change in your body. This is why I chose to be completely open and real and transparent.... this was MY time to rid my life of those negative things that I have used weight and food to protect me from all these many, many years!

I applied to the Big Loser contest seeking help, a cry out for help to change what I could not do on my own. They invested in me and I had to invest emotionally to make this work for me.

Here's my new perspective on weight "loss"---> don't call it "LOSS" because when you loose something, you want to find it again.

Like the time I lost my sunglasses at a baseball game, I went back to retrieve them and didn't stop until I found them and felt better.

We naturally don't like loss of any kind. Think about it.

So the thing I most certainly don't want back is the weight I am SHEDDING!!!

I picture it shedding... like a cheese grater... (I know that's disgusting, but it works for us visual-minded folks).

OK.... for this week's results...

Everyone did AWESOME!!!!

Personally, I lost 10 pounds!!!!

I know... I was stunned as well!!!

Remember, there's no magic!!

I follow Weight Watchers to the "T"

I work out 60-90 minutes a day, six days a week.

If you knew me (and those that do) know that my life is insanely busy... this is NOT an easy task to do, but it's a MUST.

Everyday: I have to brush my teeth, I have to shower and I HAVE to work out.

For example, this post is being written at 12:32 a.m. After the weigh-in, I came home, ate dinner and debated on whether doing my workout then or spend time with my family that has been super supportive of me during all of this. Without feeling guilty about anything--- because that's an emotion that causes me to eat-- I chose to cuddle and play games with my son and hang out with the family until they were all asleep. Then I did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen and then my workout came. That's just what happened today. Would it have been easy to say, let me have one night off self-- you've worked so hard. Yes. I did think those thoughts. But, then I thought, this isn't a one week change in life... this is my new life. You have to make it work!


  1. Jill, that is awesome!!! I'm with you Shedding sounds so much better!

  2. Yay Jill! I'm so proud! :) Your diet needs to have a chat with my diet because it's just not gettin' the clue fast enough! hehe

  3. Love it Jill, you are inspiring! I am working on "shedding" too. because I don't want it back either.Good Luck!!!!!
